1. 教育经历
2015年9月-2020年1月,加拿大多伦多都会大学(Toronto Metropolitan University),地理信息工程专业,获得博士学位
2. 工作经历
[1] 北京建筑大学青年教师科研能力提升计划:基于众源地理描述数据的时空-语义一体化交通事件探测方法研究,2021 – 2022,负责
[2]加拿大科学与工程研究基金会项目:Smart campus integrated platform development (智慧校园综合平台构建),2020 – 2021,参与
[3]加拿大科学与工程研究基金会项目:Machine-learning based big textual data analysis for job candidate resources extraction and matching (基于机器学习的大文本数据分析以实现求职信息的提取及匹配),2019 – 2020,参与
[4]加拿大科学与工程研究基金会项目:Extracting traffic events and human mobility patterns in geosocial media data for assessing real-time road traffic (利用社交媒体数据提取交通事件及人类移动模式以评估实时交通),2017 – 2020,参与
[5]加拿大安大略省卓越中心项目:3DSolar: Web-based 3D environment for modeling urban solar energy potential (3DSolar: 基于Web 的三维环境下太阳能潜力评估),2015 – 2016,参与
[1] Qin, Q., Xu, S.*, Du, M. & Li, S. 2022. Identifying urban functional zones by capturing multi-spatial distribution patterns of points of interest. International Journal of Digital Earth. 15 (1), 2468-2494. (SCI, IF=4.606, Q1)
[2] Xu, S., Li, S.*, Wen, R., & Huang, W. 2022. Detecting spatiotemporal traffic events using geosocial media data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 94, 101797. (SCI, IF=5.324, Q1)
[3] Mawuenyegah, A., Li, S., & Xu, S.*. 2022. Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of geosocial media data for urban functional zone identification. International Journal of Digital Earth. 15(1), 1305-1325. (SCI, IF=4.606, Q1)
[4] Jing, C., Zhang, H., & Xu, S.*, Wang, M., Zhuo, F., & Liu, S. 2022. A hierarchical spatial unit partitioning approach for fine-grained urban functional region identification. Transactions in GIS. 26 (6), 2691-2715 (SCI, IF=2.406, Q2)
[5] Xu, S., Li, S.* & Huang, W. 2020. A spatial-temporal-semantic approach for detecting local events using geosocial media data. Transactions in GIS. 24(1), 142-173. (SCI, IF=2.406, Q2)
[6] Huang W., Xu, S.*, Yan, Y. & Zipf, A. 2019. An exploration of the interaction between human activities and daily traffic conditions: A case study of Toronto, Canada. Cities, 84, 8-22. (SCI, IF=5.835, Q1)
[7] Xu, S., Li, S.* & Wen, R. 2018. Sensing and detecting traffic events using geosocial media data: A review. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 72, 146-160. (SCI, IF=5.324, Q1)
[8] Qin, Q., Xu, S.*, Du, M., & Li, S. 2022. Urban functional zone identification by considering the heterogeneous distribution of points of interests. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4, 83-90 (EI)
[9] Xu, S., Li, S.*, Wen, R., & Huang, W. 2019. Traffic event detection using Twitter data based on as- sociation rules. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, pp.543-547. (EI)
[10] Xu, S., Li, S.* & Huang, W. 2019. Mining geographical pattern for local event detection using geosocial media data. The 40th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing and Geomatics Atlantic 2019, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, June 3-7 2019.
[11] Xu, S.* 2018. Detecting local events using geosocial media data: A case study of Toronto International Film Festival. Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division (CAGONT) 2018, Toronto, Canada, October 19-20 2018. (最佳博士论文奖,1/116)
[1] Urban functional zone identification by considering the heterogeneous distribution of points of interests. 2022 XXIV International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress, Nice, France.
[2] 基于社交媒体数据探测城市聚集性事件. 2021中国地理信息科学理论与方法学术年会, 中国杭州.
[3] Traffic event detection using Twitter data based on association rules. ISPRS Geospatial Week (GSW) 2019, Enschede, Netherlands.
[4] Mining geographical pattern for local event detection using geosocial media data. 40th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing and Geomatics Atlantic 2019, New Brunswick, Canada.
[5] Detecting local events using geosocial media data: A case study of Toronto International Film Festival. Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division (CAGONT) 2018, Toronto, Canada.
[6] A framework for detecting spatiotemporal local events using geosocial media Data. GIS in Education and Research Conference 2017, Toronto, Canada.
[7] .NET 平台下变化检测处理服务的构建与实现. 2014中国地理信息科学学术年会, 中国徐州.
2022年获第十一届全国高校青年教师 GIS 微课比赛二等奖