[1] 侯妙乐,姜利利,胡云岗. 文物三维模型研究及其在应用中面临的问题[J]. 遗产与保护研究, 2017, 2: 82-88.
[2] 侯妙乐, 潘宁, 马清林等. 高光谱成像技术在彩绘文物分析中的研究综述[J]. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2017, 37(6): 1852-1860.
[3] 武望婷, 谭丽, 侯妙乐. 高光谱技术在书画检测中的应用研究—以王震《三秋图》为例. 地理信息世界, 2017, 3:101-106.
[4] 华巍, 胡云岗, 侯妙乐. 壁画照片采集的分区块方法研究. 地理信息世界, 2017, 3: 107-112.
[5] 周平平, 侯妙乐, 赵学胜. 基于高光谱影像分类线性回归的古画污渍虚拟修复. 地理信息世界, 2017, 3:113-118.
[6] 张陈峰, 胡云岗, 侯妙乐. 基于高光谱吸收特征分析的彩绘文物颜料识别研究. 地理信息世界, 2017, 3:119-123.
[7] Pan N., Hou M.L., Lv, S.Q. et al. Extracting faded mural patterns based on the combination of spatial-spectral feature of hyperspectral image [J]. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2017, 1:12-28.
[8] Miaole Hou, Lili Jiang. Process description watermarking based on life cycle for cultural relics[J]. International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 2016, 5(5):60-66.
[9] Lili Jiang, Miaole Hou. Research on 3D digital watermarking for cultural relics. 4th International Workshop on Earth Observation and Sensing Application, Guangzhou, July, 2016.
[10] Hou M.L., Li S.K., Jiang, L.L. et al. A New Method of Gold Foil Damage Detection in Stone Carving Relics Based on Multi-Temporal 3D LiDAR Point Clouds. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2016, 5(5):60.
[11] 位再成,胡云岗,侯妙乐.石窟寺数字化工程数据管理系统设计与实现[J]. 城市勘测,2016, 3: 15-19.
[12] 武望婷,潘宁,彭淼淼,侯妙乐,马燕,任静怡.周经《荷塘芦雁图轴》隐含信息分析研究[J].北京文博, 2016, 3: 101-108.
[13] 杨必胜,张帆,方莉娜,臧玉府,王晏民,侯妙乐,赵仁亮.复杂几何对象高精度数字化重建理论与方法[J].科技创新导报,2016:176-177
[14] Han X.M., Hou M.L.*, Zhu G. et al. Extracting graphite sketch of the mural using hyper-spectral imaging method. Pretra?ivanje ?lanaka. 2015, 12:1569-1577.
[15] 马文武, 侯妙乐, 胡云岗. 基于地面高光谱遥感的石碑特征信息提取. 北京建筑大学学报, 2015, 2: 65-69.
[16] Zhang X.D., Hou M.L.*, Wu Y.H., Hu Y.G. Study on the 3D information reconstruction and management of cultural relics based on the articulated arm scanner. Journal of Digital Information Management. 2015, 13(1):31-38.
[17] Hou M.L., Yang Su, Hu Y.G. et al. A novel method for the virtual restoration of cultural relics based on a 3D fine model. Dyna. 2015:1-7.
[18] 邢华侨, 侯妙乐, 王磊等. 2015, 基于QTM的海平面上升淹没模拟系统. 系统仿真学报, 21(11): 2689-2695.
[19] 胡云岗, 陶涛, 吴育华, 侯妙乐. 2015, 大足石刻千手观音造像三维展示系统设计与实现.文物保护与考古科学, 27: 71-77.
[20] 侯妙乐, 吴育华,胡云岗等.2014, 基于关节臂扫描的文物精细三维信息留取.文物保护与考古科学, 27: 71-77. 26(03):94-98.
[21] Li Z.F., Wu L.X.,* Hou M.L., et al. A New Method for Urban Storm Flood Inundation Simulation with Fine CD-TIN Surface. Water. 2014, 6(5): 1151-1171.
[22] 杨溯,侯妙乐,马文武.基于多源数据的城市内涝水淹模拟与分析数据生产方法[J].城市勘测,2014, 3:38-41.
[23] 宋红霞,侯妙乐,胡云岗.文物保护中海量点云数据库设计与开发[J].城市勘测,2014, 1: 89-93
[24] 张小青,侯妙乐,朱光.网格模型的文物缺损面积计算[J].测绘科学,2013,4: 144-145.
[25] 李树坤,侯妙乐,吴育华,胡云岗,张玉敏.2013,石质文物三维信息留存与应用.城市勘测,2: 85-88.
[26] Hou M.L.; Lei Y. Lu X., Zhang X.D, Hu Y.G, The Extraction of Manuscript Information of Mural Based on Hyper-Spectral Data International Review on Computers & Software. 2012 , 7(6) : 3232-3237.
[27] Lu X., Hou M.L., Hu YG, 2012, The application of hyper-spectral remote sensing in cultural relic conservation. Advanced Materials Research, 446: 3798-3802.
[28] Zhang XQ, Hou M.L., Zhu G. and Hu YG, 2012, Calculation of Areas of Cultural Relics Surface Defects Based on the Triangular Mesh Model. Advanced Materials Research, 446: 3452-3456.
[29] 侯妙乐, 赵学胜, 陈军.球面四元三角网的复杂拓扑关系计算. 2012, 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 37(4):35-38.
[30] 侯妙乐, 姜晓轶, 赵学胜, 邢华侨. 2012, 基于QTM的海平面上升分析与模拟. 地理与地理信息科学, 28(1): 35-38.
[31] 侯妙乐, 吴育华, 陈建华, 孟凡影. 2011, 基于多投影面和高清摄影的数字正摄影像图. 系统仿真学报, 23(增):265-269.
[32] 吴育华, 王金华, 侯妙乐, 张玉敏. 2011, 三维激光扫描技术在岩土文物保护中的应用. 文物保护与考古科学.23(4):104-110
[33] 张小青,朱光,侯妙乐. 基于四面体的不规则表面文物体积计算. 测绘通报,2011(10),50-52.
[34] 吴育华, 侯妙乐, 张玉敏. 2011, 三维激光扫描技术在岩土文物保护中的应用进展与方向. 地理信息世界, 9(2):53-57.
[35] Hou M.L., Tian S., 2010, Extraction and Analysis of Mural Diseases Information Based on Digital Orthophoto Map. International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing. 2(12):53-59.
[36] 侯妙乐, 赵学胜, 陈军. 球面四元三角网的局部拓扑不变量计算. 2010,武汉大学学报信息科学版, 35(12):1504-1507.
[37] 方明珠, 侯妙乐, 王晏民. 基于ArcGIS Engine的馆藏壁画病害调查. 2010, 北京建筑工程学院学报, 26(1): 10-13.
[38] 田松, 侯妙乐, 王晏民, 郭宏. 2010, 基于面向属性归纳决策树的馆藏壁画病害信息提取. 测绘通报, (增刊):389-392.
[39] Lv, S.Q, Wang Y.M.Wang, Hou M.L., 2009, Extraction of diseases of wall paintings based on multi-spectral image analysis method. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 6(6):2199-2206.
[40] 侯妙乐, 朱光, 王前卫, 杜明义. 2009, 基于菱形块的全球离散格网欧拉数计算. 测绘科学, 34(6): 80-83.
[41] 侯妙乐, 吴育华, 张玉敏. 2009, 三维激光扫描技术在震后铁旗杆保护中的应用. 系统仿真学报, 21(1):265-269.
[42] 严娟娟, 侯妙乐, 周晓光. 2009, 竣工测量数据预处理程序设计与实现. 测绘科学, 34(1): 165-167.
[43] 王晏民, 侯妙乐, 方明珠. 地理信息系统在馆藏壁画病害调查中的应用. 2008, 文物科技研究, 6: 35 - 41.
[44] 侯妙乐, 赵学胜, 陈军. 2008, 球面四元三角网的三拓扑数计算. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 33(1): 60-63. (EI和SCI检索)
[45] 侯妙乐, 刘忠贞, 孙维先. 2008, 基于Skyline 的三维数字校园. 北京建筑工程学院学报, 24(4): 18-21.
[46] 王晏民,侯妙乐. 2008, 地理信息系统在馆藏壁画病害调查中的应用. 文物科技研究. 6: 174-180.
[47] 陈军, 侯妙乐, 赵学胜. 2007, 球面四元三角网的基本拓扑关系描述和计算. 测绘学报, 36(2):176-180. (EI检索).
[48] 侯妙乐, 赵学胜, 陈军. 2006, 球面栅格空间中的Jordan曲线性质及其拓扑矛盾分析. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 30(4): 355-360. (EI收录).
[49] 侯妙乐, 赵学胜, 陈军. 数字拓扑研究现状及其在GIS中的应用. 地理与地理信息科学, 2005, 21(1):5-8.
[50] Hou M. L., Zhao X. S., and Chen J., Sphere Digital Space Based on manifold: definition, properties and applications, Zhou Qiming and LI Zhilin eds. Spatial Analysis and Decision Support, AA. Balkema Publishers, 2003, 291-298 (EI检索).
[51] 侯妙乐, 赵学胜, 陈军. 2004, 球面数字空间下的基本拓扑模型. 地理信息世界, 2(2): 38-44.
[1] Tan Y P, Hou M L. Analyzing stains on calligraphy and painting using hyperspectral imaging[C]// International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications. 2016:157-160.
[2] Tan L, Hou M L. A study on the application of SAM classification algorithm in seal of calligraphy and painting based on hyperspectral technology[C]// International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications. IEEE, 2016:415-418.
[3] Jiang L, Hou M. Research on 3D digital watermarking for cultural relics[C]// International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications. IEEE, 2016:358-362.
[4] Hou M.L., Wu Y.H., Chen J.H., and Meng Fanying, 2011, Multi-projection-based thousand-arm Guanyin DOM. the 2011 2nd International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, 758-762.
[5] Wu Y.H., Hou M.L., and Zhang Y.M., 2011, Application of 3D laser scanning technique in the conservation of geotechnical cultural relics in China. the 2011 2nd International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, 207-211.
[6] Hou M.L., Tian S., Guo H. and Cheng Qian, 2010, K-means Sobel Algorithm in Edge Extracting of Mural Diseases. Second International Conference on Engineering and Computer Science, 25-26 December 2010. Wuhan, China, 4(9):471-474(5pp). Proc. of ICIECS 2010, Vo1l. 162-166(7pp).
[7] Hou M.L., Wang Y.M., Fang M.Z., and Guo H., 2010, The Collection Mural Protection Application of Lidar and GIS Technonogy. Second International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 22-24 January 2010.Sanya, Hainan, China, 4(9):471-474(5pp). Proc. of SPIE, Bellingham Washington. Vol. 7146, 714609(10pp).
[8] Zhao X.S., Hou M.L., Sun W.B., and Yan Z.Y., 2008, A Reasoning Method of Spatial Relations on the Spherical Digital Space, Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment, Guangzhou China, 28-29 June 2008. Advanced Spatial Data Models and Analyses (edited by Lin LIU, Xia LI, Kai LIU, and Xin-chang ZHANG), Proc. of SPIE, Bellingham Washington. Vol. 7146, 714609(10pp).
[9] Hou M. L., Zhao X. S., and Chen J., Discribing and Computing Topological Relationship in spherical surface digital space. Proceedings of XXth ISPRS congress, 2008, B4, IV, 1-6.
[10] HOU M.L., ZHAO X.S., CHEN J., 2007. The Basic Topology Issues on Spherical Surface Quternary Trangular Mesh. Proceedings of The XXXVIth ISPRS Xinjiang 2008 Workshop on Updating Geo-spatial Databases with Imagery & The 5th ISPRS Workshop on DMGISs, 2008,14-16, Aug., Xinjiang, China,61-66.
[11]侯妙乐, 赵学胜, 陈军. 基于QTM的球面栅格拓扑关系描述和计算. 中国测绘学会2006年“青年优秀论文三等奖”.
[12] Hou M. L., Zhao X. S., and Chen J., The basic topology model of spherical surface digital space. Proceedings of XXth ISPRS congress, 2004, B4, IV, 1-6 (oral paper).
[13]侯妙乐, 赵学胜, 陈军. 球面数字空间下的基本拓扑模型. 中国GIS协会2003年“青年优秀论文三等奖”.